Agricultural organisations in Uzbekistan received 20.3 thousand karakul skins in three months of 2024


In January-March 2024, agricultural organisations in Uzbekistan received 20.3 thousand karakul skins, according to the data of the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Agricultural organisations in Uzbekistan received 20.3 thousand karakul skins in three months of 2024
The volume of received karakul skins increased by 47.7% compared to the corresponding period of 2023.

Karakul is the fur removed from Karakul lambs 1-3 days after birth. Their fur is characterised by thick, elastic, silky hair that forms curls of various shapes and sizes. Karakul is easy to clean and colour, which made it a popular material for fur coats, hats, collars and cuffs.

Fashion for karakul originated in the late XIX century. Since then, the technology of dressing and sewing of karakul has improved considerably, and modern fur coats made of karakul have become unusually light and thin.

The Uzbek city of Bukhara is rightly considered to be the birthplace of karakul. It was here that they started breeding sheep of the Karakul breed and dressing the skins of young lambs, creating luxurious clothes.

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