Daycare Services for Children with Disabilities to Be Introduced


The Presidential Decree No. PQ-41 "On Additional Measures to Further Improve the System of Social Services and Assistance for Children with Disabilities" has been adopted.

Daycare Services for Children with Disabilities to Be Introduced
According to the decree, starting from March 1, 2025, on a pilot and phased basis, daycare services for children with disabilities aged 3 to 18 will be launched in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Andijan, Kashkadarya, Samarkand, Surkhandarya, and Tashkent regions, as well as in Tashkent city, under a public-private partnership model. By October 1, 2025, this service will be extended to the rest of the country.

Children with disabilities will be admitted to daycare services based on a social contract between their parents and "Inson" Social Service Centers, as well as a conclusion from the Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Commission.

From March 1, 2025, the following support measures for entrepreneurs engaged in daycare services will be implemented:

A state subsidy of 25% of the base calculation amount per child aged 3 to 7 years and 27% per child aged 7 to 18 years for each day of daycare service usage.

In regional centers, as well as in the cities of Tashkent and Nukus, the subsidy amount will be increased by a 1.1 multiplier coefficient.

For children with disabilities from families included in the registry of low-income households, an additional 30% of the total subsidy amount will be provided.

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