Durov's Arrest Boosts Telegram Downloads
On Saturday, Telegram founder Pavel Durov was arrested on charges of allowing illegal activities to flourish on the platform, including drug trafficking, money laundering, and the distribution of child sexual abuse material.
Despite these serious allegations, TechCrunch reports that Telegram has seen a surge in downloads, climbing to the No. 2 position on the U.S. App Store’s Social Networking charts.
Telegram's rise in popularity didn’t happen immediately after Durov's arrest. This delay might be due to people catching up on the news after the weekend or because third-party app store analytics picked up on ranking changes slightly later.
In France, where Durov was detained, Telegram jumped to the No. 1 spot in the Social Networking category on the App Store and climbed to No. 3 overall. In the U.S., Telegram moved up from No. 18 to No. 8 in the top apps chart.
App Store rankings typically reflect a combination of factors like the number of installs and download velocity. Despite the negative press, Telegram managed to benefit from the media attention, leading to a higher ranking.
Telegram's rise in popularity didn’t happen immediately after Durov's arrest. This delay might be due to people catching up on the news after the weekend or because third-party app store analytics picked up on ranking changes slightly later.
In France, where Durov was detained, Telegram jumped to the No. 1 spot in the Social Networking category on the App Store and climbed to No. 3 overall. In the U.S., Telegram moved up from No. 18 to No. 8 in the top apps chart.
App Store rankings typically reflect a combination of factors like the number of installs and download velocity. Despite the negative press, Telegram managed to benefit from the media attention, leading to a higher ranking.
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