It became known how much yogurt Uzbekistan produced in April 2024


In April 2024, large enterprises in Uzbekistan produced 330.7 tons of yogurt, as reported by the press service of the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

It became known how much yogurt Uzbekistan produced in April 2024
And in the period from January to April 2024, large enterprises produced 1,806 tons of yogurt. This means that the production volume increased by 28.9% compared to the same period in 2023.

Uzbekistan produces a variety of dairy products, including milk (fresh, pasteurized, ultra-pasteurized), kefir (natural, fruit), ryazhenka (classic, fruit-flavored), yogurt (natural, fruit-flavored), cottage cheese (regular, non-fat, fruit-flavoured), cheese (different varieties), cream (different types), butter, vegetable oil.

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