Tougher penalties introduced for distributing potent substances via the internet


Uzbekistan has significantly tightened penalties for the distribution and advertising of potent substances over the internet. A new law signed by the President (Law No. O‘RQ-971) introduces changes and amendments to various codes.

Tougher penalties introduced for distributing potent substances via the internet
The law stipulates that using telecommunications networks or the internet to unlawfully distribute narcotic and psychotropic substances, especially involving minors, will now carry harsher penalties. Criminal liability for such offenses has been significantly increased.

Additionally, administrative and criminal liability has been strengthened for the unlawful possession, production, or transportation of potent substances. Offenders may face heavy fines or even imprisonment for up to three years.

The law takes effect from the date of its official publication and aims to bolster the country's fight against the illegal circulation of narcotic and psychotropic substances.

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