A powerful magnetic storm continues on the planet


According to Mikhail Leus, a leading specialist at the "FOBOS" center, the magnetic storm has currently weakened to a G1 level, but this is likely just a temporary lull, and it is expected to strengthen again soon.

A powerful magnetic storm continues on the planet
The storm was triggered by a maximum-level solar flare classified as X1.8 that occurred early Wednesday morning. The storm began on Thursday evening at a moderate G2 level, quickly intensified to G3, and then reached G4.

The peak of the flare appears to have occurred shortly after midnight, when the Kp index, reflecting the level of disturbances in the geomagnetic field, reached 8.33.

A Kp index of 8 corresponds to a very strong magnetic storm, while 9 is the maximum possible value, indicating an extreme storm.

According to the latest data from the Solar Astronomy Laboratory at IKI and ISZF, the magnetic storm will not last as long as initially expected. Today, it will fluctuate between strong and very strong (G3-G4), and then begin to weaken. On Saturday, it will continue but at a level ranging from weak to moderate (G1-G2). It is expected to end by Sunday night.

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