A Procedure for Dispensing Narcotic Drugs in Pharmacies Has Been Established in Uzbekistan


A procedure for dispensing narcotic drugs through pharmacies has been established. According to the regulation, they are dispensed by the pharmacy manager, pharmacist, or their assistant based on a special pink prescription from the doctor. The doctor is required to prescribe only one type of narcotic drug and not exceed a seven-day supply.

A Procedure for Dispensing Narcotic Drugs in Pharmacies Has Been Established in Uzbekistan
On January 27, the regulation regarding the "Procedure for the storage, realization, dispensing, distribution, and accounting of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, and precursors" was registered with the state, according to the Ministry of Justice.

The regulation applies to legal entities engaged in activities related to the circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, and precursors under a license.

In pharmacies, narcotic drugs are dispensed to individuals by the pharmacy manager, pharmacist, or their assistant based on the doctor's prescription. These prescriptions are issued on a special pink prescription form.

Prescription forms necessary for narcotic drugs are issued by the regional departments of the Ministry of Health to medical and preventive institutions.

A single prescription form should contain only one type of narcotic drug, and the quantity should not exceed a seven-day supply.

Prescription forms for narcotic drugs stored in pharmacies must be kept sealed for five years.

The pharmacy in a medical institution should not have a narcotic drug stock exceeding a one-month supply, and the departmental pharmacies should not exceed a three-day supply.

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