Central bank will be risk mitigator in microfinance provision


The risk level is planned to be reduced from 100% to 75% when providing microfinance services to self-employed persons and small businesses.

Central bank will be risk mitigator in microfinance provision
According to the Central Bank, the level of risk and capital pressure will decrease, while the bank's creditworthiness will increase by 33%.

As of 1 February 2024, for individuals and small businesses that have a regular income and have been in a bank account for at least 6 months, provide microfinance services, including funds allocated to microfinance organisations for purposes set by the microfinance organisations themselves, the commitment level will be reduced from 100% to 75%.

Small businesses include individual entrepreneurs, microfirms whose total income for a calendar year does not exceed 1 billion sums, as well as small enterprises with a total income of 1-10 billion sums for a calendar year.

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