Cobalt and Damas are most produced cars in Uzbekistan


Statistics Agency provided information on the number of cars produced in Uzbekistan in the first half of the year.

Cobalt and Damas are most produced cars in Uzbekistan
Total number of passenger cars produced in Uzbekistan in January-June 2024 was 189,886.

Cobalt and Damas were the most produced passenger cars, while Exeed produced only 95 units.

Cobalt – 72,948 units,
Damas - 38953 units,
Tracker – 21,497 units,
Lacetti-Gentra – 12,635 units,
Onix - 17,432 units,
KIA – 9,270 units,
Chery – 4,160 units,
Haval - 542 units,
Exeed - 95 units,
Special passenger cars - 12,804 units.
For information, in Uzbekistan in 2023, Cobalt and Damas cars were leading with 118,093 and 89,154 respectively.

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