Japan begins releasing Fukushima's treated radioactive water into Pacific


The current stage will last until November 20, about 460 tonnes of drainage per day is planned.

Japan begins releasing Fukushima's treated radioactive water into Pacific
In Japan began dumping into the sea the third batch of water from the nuclear power plant "Fukushima-1". This is stated in the message of the operator of the nuclear power plant company Tokyo Electric Power, writes "Anadolu".

The company had previously discharged water from the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant into the Pacific Ocean twice - from 24 August to 11 September and from 5 to 23 October.

The current phase will last until November 20, with about 460 tonnes of drainage per day planned.

A total of 31.2 thousand tonnes of NPP wastewater is planned to be discharged into the Pacific Ocean by March 2024.

The decision to drain water from the failed nuclear power plant into the ocean has drawn sharp criticism from neighbouring countries, primarily China, as well as local fishermen.

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