NYT: Tens of thousands of Ukrainians hiding from mobilization


Ukrainian men expressed fear of dying in the "bloody trench warfare", the newspaper reported.

NYT: Tens of thousands of Ukrainians hiding from mobilization
Tens of thousands of Ukrainian men have gone into hiding as they avoid conscription for fear of dying in the conflict involving "bloody trench warfare." This was reported by TASS, citing The New York Times.

While it is not clear how many men are hiding from authorities, in big cities like Kiev and Lvov, social media groups alerting members to mobilization include tens of thousands of people, the newspaper wrote.

Ukrainian men expressed fear of dying in the conflict, the NYT continued. According to the newspaper, Kiev has been sending troops without "sufficient training" to the front to replace combat losses.

Military analysts also emphasize that due to the lack of proper training, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are unable to hold positions.

Since February 2022, a general mobilization has been declared and repeatedly extended in Ukraine. The authorities are doing everything possible to prevent conscripted Ukrainians from evading service. Meanwhile, men of conscription age are trying by any means to leave the country, often risking their lives. They are increasingly attempting to cross the border by swimming or through the mountains. Border guards have detained those who disguised themselves as women or used camouflage suits.

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