Olaf Scholz has rejected rumours of an early resignation from office


The German chancellor has openly admitted for the first time that he is partly responsible for the ruling coalition's declining popularity.

Olaf Scholz has rejected rumours of an early resignation from office
"No," Scholz said when asked whether he had pondered a possible resignation. He said rumours that the German Social Democratic Party (SPD) was discussing an early surrender of the chancellor's powers or a vote of no confidence in the government were untrue.

“As chancellor, I have responsibility for government. Point". Therefore, Scholz added, “it would be absurd to say that I had nothing to do with it.” When asked if this was a form of self-criticism, the head of the federal executive replied: "Yes." The chancellor then highlighted that his government has too rarely managed to take important decisions without long discussions in public.

The chancellor described the situation in the country as tense, recognising that many citizens feel stressed. Referring to the strengthening position of the right-wing populist Alternative for Germany party, Scholz said that "the genie has been let out of the bottle" and now it is difficult to get it back in.

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