Russia's Nuclear Doctrine Changes Signal Warning to 'Unfriendly' Nations


Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov referred to the changes in Russia’s nuclear doctrine, announced by President Vladimir Putin, as a warning to "unfriendly" nations. According to Peskov, these countries should understand the consequences of attacking Russia, even with non-nuclear means.

Russia's Nuclear Doctrine Changes Signal Warning to 'Unfriendly' Nations
Peskov highlighted that Russia’s nuclear potential is well known globally and plays a significant deterrent role. He emphasized the seriousness of Putin’s statements, especially amid unprecedented confrontation, where Western nations, including nuclear powers, are directly involved in the conflict surrounding Ukraine.

The changes to the doctrine clarify the conditions under which Russia may use nuclear weapons, including responding to aggression against its allies, like Belarus, or when the existence of the state is under threat.

Peskov also mentioned that the updated version of the nuclear doctrine may be published if a decision is made, and the Kremlin will announce this in due course. He left the issue of lifting the moratorium on nuclear testing without further comment.

Russia’s current nuclear doctrine, approved in 2020, allows the use of nuclear weapons in response to a nuclear attack or when conventional military aggression threatens the very existence of the Russian state.

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