The Scientific-Practical Medical Academy of Karakalpakstan will be established


A Presidential decree on the establishment of the Scientific-Practical Medical Academy of Karakalpakstan (PQ-453, December 24, 2024) has been adopted.

The Scientific-Practical Medical Academy of Karakalpakstan will be established
According to the decree, the following will be established:

The Scientific-Practical Medical Academy of Karakalpakstan, granted legal entity status;

The Academy will include a research laboratory, a training-simulation center, and a hotel;

State and non-state medical institutions located in the city of Nukus will serve as the Academy's clinical base;

The main directions of the Academy's activities include:

Requalification and professional development of medical personnel;

The introduction of high-tech innovative methods for diagnosis and treatment;

Creating conditions for the widespread use of telemedicine technologies.

Starting from the 2025/2026 academic year, the Academy will begin training highly qualified medical personnel in the clinical residency program.

The Academy will be fully operational from October 1, 2025.

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