Air taxis in Dubai


By the beginning of 2026, air taxis are planned to be launched in Dubai (UAE), Khalid Al Awadi, Director of the Department of Transport Technology at the University of Dubai, said.

Air taxis in Dubai
Flying taxis will be able to accommodate 4 passengers, and will operate on electric traction up to a speed of 320 km/h. Joby Aviation is engaged in the development and testing of air transport in cooperation with Skyports to design stations, together they work on the creation of infrastructure and technologies for innovative transport of the future.

It is planned to build a route through the main centres of the city; Jumeirah Palm - Dubai Marina embankment, as well as the airport itself. The flight time will take 10 minutes, which confirms the reduction in duration than that of land transport.

"By 2035, all taxis in Dubai are planned to be made electric, and by 2050 - the entire bus fleet of the city," Al Awadi added.

In addition, unmanned taxis are expected to be launched by 2025, which are being developed in partnership with General Motors. This means that Dubai aims to become the first city in the world with an air transport system that makes it more attractive to tourists and locals.

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