Azerbaijan initiates creation of Made in Turan brand


Today, Made in Turan brand uniting trade marks of the Turkic world has been created in Kazakhstan on the initiative of Azerbaijan.

Azerbaijan initiates creation of Made in Turan brand
Chairman of the Azerbaijan Franchising Association Jamid Movsumov told Trend.

He noted that the creation of the brand implies a transition to unified labeling of products manufactured by the Organization of Turkic States (OTS) member countries.

“The introduction of the Made in Turan brand signifies a significant step forward for brands across the Turkic world, promising increased trade turnover and stronger economic ties between countries. This branding initiative is poised to elevate brands from Turkic states to global prominence through special incentives, fostering steady progress and boosting trade within the region. Ultimately, the Made in Turan brand will enhance the international recognition of the Turkic world as a formidable economic entity. Additionally, we are planning to establish trade houses under the brand to further support this initiative,” he said.

It is worth noting that the total trade turnover of the OTS member countries, whose population exceeds 200 million people, accounts for $536 billion in the global economy.

With a combined gross domestic product (GDP) of $1.5 trillion and a trade turnover of $1.2 trillion, OTS member countries contribute 2.4 percent to the world trade turnover.

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