Chevrolet returns budget electric car Bolt


The American automaker officially confirmed the release of the third generation of Chevrolet Bolt in 2025. The 2026 model is aimed at competing with Nissan Leaf and promises modern design, affordable price, and new technologies.

Chevrolet returns budget electric car Bolt
Chevrolet plans to release Bolt not only in a crossover (Bolt EUV) format but also in several other body options. Production will be set up at a modernized plant in Kansas City (USA), and the electric vehicle will be based on lithium-iron-phosphate (LFP) batteries. This technology reduces the cost of batteries and accelerates model development.

The company intends to keep the new Bolt below $30,000, making it one of the most affordable electric vehicles on the market. In the future, Chevrolet plans to release an even more budget-friendly version, the details of which are not yet disclosed.

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