Durov announced the Stories feature in Telegram


The head of Telegram Pavel Durov announced plans to launch the Stories feature in July. According to him, users have been asking for this feature for years. It is expected that the feature will allow the platform to become more social than it is now.

Durov announced the Stories feature in Telegram
Telegram CEO Pavel Durov announced today that the company will add the Stories feature in early July. According to Durov, users have been asking for this feature for many years, noting that more than half of all feature requests that Telegram receives are related to Stories.

Durov said that the company was initially against adding Stories because they "are already everywhere", but decided to listen to the opinion of users.

With Stories in Telegram, users will be able to decide who can see each of their stories. The stories will be placed in an expandable section at the top of the chat list. Users will be able to hide stories published by any contact by moving them to the "Hidden" list in the "Contacts" section, and not to the main screen.

Users will be able to add captions and links to their stories. It is also possible to tag other people in your stories. It is noteworthy that it will be possible to publish photos and videos taken simultaneously by the front and rear cameras in the BeReal style.

In addition, users will be able to choose when the history expires. The validity period may expire after 6, 12, 24 or 48 hours. Or you can constantly display stories on your profile page.

"The ability to save your stories on the profile page will make Telegram profiles more informative and colorful," Durov wrote in his announcement.

According to Durov, after the internal testing of Stories, even skeptics in the Telegram team began to appreciate this feature, and now Telegram can no longer imagine a messaging service without it.

New feature is in the last stage of testing and will be available in early July. Durov believes that the feature will be a "harbinger of a new era in Telegram" and will allow the platform to become more social than it is now.

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