The "godfather" of AI quit Google: a scientist warned about the risks of AI


Geoffrey Hinton, known as the "godfather" of artificial intelligence, left Google and announced the possible danger associated with neural networks.

The "godfather" of AI quit Google: a scientist warned about the risks of AI
Hinton has been creating neural networks since the 1970s, and in 2018 got the Turing Award for his work in this field. He fears that neural networks may become smarter than people, and left Google to talk freely about it.

Along with Hinton, several other scientists left Google. They joined an initiative calling for suspending the training of more powerful artificial intelligence systems for six months and developing security protocols. However, there are those who do not support such an initiative. For example, Bill Gates believes that it is better to focus on how to use AI capabilities more effectively.

In 2012, Hinton and his students created a neural network capable of recognizing images, and the technology was bought by Google for $44 million. This work became the basis for the creation of ChatGPT, which was developed by OpenAI. Some countries have already begun to restrict access to such technologies. So, in March, Italy banned access to ChatGPT due to the leakage of personal data.

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