Migrants will be obliged to leave Russia if they do not work according to their profile


We are talking about citizens who came by organised recruitment. If they refuse to work at the enterprises that invited them - for example, instead of construction work they will go to work as couriers - they will have to leave Russia in 15 days. This was reported by the press service of the Russian Ministry of Labour.

Migrants will be obliged to leave Russia if they do not work according to their profile
Also, in order to get a job, foreigners will have to obtain a special document confirming the right to temporary labour activity at a particular employer.

"If such an employee expresses a desire to work at another enterprise, which is not a participant in the organising recruitment, he will have to leave the territory of the Russian Federation within 15 days," the ministry said.

Moreover, the ministry stressed that the new rules apply to migrant workers regardless of whether they come to work in Russia from visa or visa-free countries.

However, according to Vladimir Yakovlev, President of the All-Russian Interbranch Association of Employers "Russian Union of Builders", the shortage of specialists in the Russian construction industry alone is estimated at about 100,000 people.

"That is why such deterrence mechanisms are needed, so that the employee comes to a particular employer under the tasks he needs and works until he fulfils them," says the expert.

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