Opening of the "Academy of Korea IT Alliance (AKITA)"


On September 20, this year, the official opening ceremony of the "Academy of Korea IT Alliance (AKITA)" took place in Tashkent, a joint educational program between the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent and Yeungnam University in South Korea.

Opening of the "Academy of Korea IT Alliance (AKITA)"
The event was attended by representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea, about 30 representatives from the IT sector of both countries, and rectors of prestigious higher education institutions.

The ceremonial opening was initiated with a welcome speech by Congressman Kwon Youngjin from the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea. Other speakers included the chairman of the AKITA board Chong Ok-Rae, the mayor of the Uchcherchik district Uskenbay Atemov, the rector of the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent Olimjon Toychiyev, the CEO of IT Park Uzbekistan Farhod Ibragimov, Deputy Kwon Yong Jin from the National Assembly of Korea, the rector of INHA University in Tashkent Muzaffar Jalolov, and the rector of the Singapore Institute of Management Ilhom Mamatqulov.

Participants emphasized that the opening of "AKITA" will be an important step in strengthening ties between Uzbekistan and Korea, developing innovative technologies in the country, and training high-level IT specialists in accordance with international standards.

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