Orbán says there is a democratic deficit in the EU


According to Viktor Orbán, it is necessary to achieve a change of leadership in the EU at the next European Parliament elections.

Orbán says there is a democratic deficit in the EU
There is a deficit of democracy in the European Union. This was stated by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban at a rally of farmers in Brussels.

According to him, the solution to the problem will be a change of leadership in the EU during the European Parliament elections.

"This is Europe's mistake - leaders do not take the voice of the people seriously. This is the number one problem. Whether we talk about migration, about war, about Ukraine, about anything - the voice of the people is not taken seriously by the leaders. This is a democratic deficit," Viktor Orban said.

The Hungarian prime minister said that it was necessary to achieve a change of power in the EU at the next elections to the European Parliament.

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