Penn State Law commencement highlights the strength of Uzbek Scholars


At Penn State Law's recent commencement, the presence of 47 Uzbek graduates stood out, each earning an LLM (Master of Laws) degree. This marks a historic moment as no American university has ever admitted and conferred so many degrees to Uzbeks simultaneously.

Penn State Law commencement highlights the strength of Uzbek Scholars
Associate Dean Stephen Barnes praised the graduates, calling them "true ambassadors of their country," and highlighted their "insatiable desire" to engage with the world. Since 2021, Penn State has strengthened ties with Uzbekistan's Tashkent State University of Law and the University of World Economy and Diplomacy, facilitating these academic exchanges.

Among the graduates, Temurbek Polatov, 23, emphasized their responsibility to serve Uzbekistan by modernizing its legal system. Doniyorbek Davronov, 26, aims to support Uzbek migrants globally, having observed the U.S. immigration system firsthand. Other graduates, like Jamshidbek Ibrohimov and Shakhrizoda Mamasolieva, plan to gain experience in the U.S. before contributing to legal reforms and education in Uzbekistan.

Farzin Vahidov, from the Class of 2023 and now a student adviser at Penn State Law, highlighted the enthusiasm of Uzbek students and their impact on campus. Azizjon Jamolov, 32, will return to Uzbekistan’s Supreme Court, inspired to introduce new ethics and practices.

These graduates benefit from the El-Yurt Umidi Foundation, a state program aiming to curb Uzbekistan's brain drain. Since 2018, the foundation has supported around 2,000 degrees and trainings abroad, ensuring that scholars return to contribute to their homeland.

Penn State Law is expecting another batch of some 50 students from Uzbekistan this year.

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