Residents of Bishkek left without hot water and heating


Residents of Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan, left without hot water and heating due to an accident at the CHPP.

Residents of Bishkek left without hot water and heating
This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Energy.

"On the second of February this year at 3:00 at the CHPP of Bishkek city there was an accident, as a result of which the equipment failed. At the moment, all forces of personnel are involved to eliminate the situation. As a result of the accident three employees were injured and are in hospital," the press service said.

The city residents are supplied with uninterrupted electricity. However, the supply of hot water and heating has been suspended in order to maintain the operation of the heat and power plant and heat networks.

"In order to promptly eliminate the consequences of the accident at the thermal power plant in Bishkek, an operational headquarters has been created. It is working on resuming the supply of heating to the homes of citizens", - emphasised in the Ministry of Energy.

At the moment, the air temperature in Bishkek is minus 3 degrees. It is reported that the batteries in apartment buildings are cold.

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