Settlement security passports will be created


Security passports display the neighborhood's total size, population, and number of apartments, in addition to the quantity of social and economic objects and high-risk objects.

Settlement security passports will be created
"On the approval of the regulation on the procedure for drawing up and approving model security passports of settlements and objects of the Republic of Uzbekistan" was the order issued by the Minister of Emergency Situations.

The primary goal of developing a security passport is gathering data on communities and items in order to safeguard them from potential emergencies that may happen from both natural and man-made sources by monitoring and analysing them.

Through emergency departments, district (city) authorities will notify neighbourhoods about the creation of security passports.

Security passports consist of 5 tables, which contain information on the total area (km), the number of residents of the neighborhood, the number of households in the neighborhood, the number of multi-storey / single-family houses, population density, the number of high-risk objects, the number of social and economic objects.

Also, the number of health care facilities, pre-school educational institutions, schools, professional education and higher education institutions, shopping complexes, cultural and sports institutions, and mosques with a large population will be indicated:

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