The Uzbek-South Korean summit has started with negotiations in a narrow format


President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev and President of the Republic of Korea Yoon Suk Yeol have held a meeting in a narrow format at the Kuksaroy residence, the press service of the Uzbek leader said.

The Uzbek-South Korean summit has started with negotiations in a narrow format
At the beginning of the conversation, the Uzbekistan President warmly welcomed the guest and sincerely congratulated him on the 32nd anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations and the 5th anniversary of the special strategic partnership between Uzbekistan and Korea.

During the meeting, issues related to further expanding practical cooperation in political, trade-economic, technological, and other priority areas were discussed.

It was noted that South Korea is among Uzbekistan's leading trade and investment partners. Last year, the trade turnover reached $2.5 billion, with Korean investments exceeding $7.5 billion. There has been an increase in tourist traffic, with 10 flights connecting Tashkent and Seoul weekly.

An agreement was reached to establish a new partnership model for more effective use of potential and promotion of large-scale high-tech cooperation projects.

The fruitful development of cultural and humanitarian exchanges was highly praised. Uzbekistan hosts branches of four leading Korean universities, while over 11,000 Uzbek students are studying in South Korea.

Symbols of friendship and partnership include the Korean Cultural Centre, Multidisciplinary Children's Clinic, Seoul Garden, and Seoul Street in Tashkent.

The Presidents emphasized the importance of continued mutual support within international organizations. They also exchanged views on regional cooperation, including within the framework of "Central Asia - Republic of Korea" format.

Special attention was given to enhancing close contacts in security and defence, particularly in combating cybercrime, terrorism, and extremism.

It is noteworthy that diplomatic relations between Uzbekistan and South Korea were established on January 29, 1992. Since 2006, mutual cooperation has been elevated to the level of strategic partnership.

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