Tourist circuit to be created in Fergana


President Shavkat Mirziyoyev familiarized himself with the conditions at Kokand University and visited the archaeological site of Tepakurgan.

Tourist circuit to be created in Fergana
The educational institution, established based on a Cabinet of Ministers resolution dated August 17, 2019, is designed for 6,400 students. All necessary facilities have been provided in the academic buildings, two student dormitories with 500 places each, and an information-library center. The teaching staff includes 233 professors and lecturers.

In 2022, a new building for the university's tourism faculty was constructed, accommodating one thousand seats.

The head of state inspected this complex, which is designed in a national style. Emphasis was placed on the widespread implementation of a dual education system, targeted training of students based on orders from tourism organizations with the involvement of professors from abroad. This will ensure the preparation of professionals with specific academic and practical knowledge in the tourism sector.

A presentation of the concept for the creation of the Fergana Tourist Circuit took place here as well.

The goal of the Fergana Tourist Circuit is to extend the stay of foreign and local tourists in the region from 3 to 7 days and to double the number of visitable attractions. This will include attractions from the Fergana, Altaryk, Kuva, and Uchkuprik districts in tourist routes. Overall, the circuit will consist of 577 points and provide over 50 types of services.

The President also visited the archaeological site of Tepakurgan adjacent to the university.

The monument holds significant historical value, as it determines the age of the city of Kokand. In ancient times, it housed the urda, the palace of the ruler.

The Uzbek leader proposed the reconstruction and conservation of this archaeological site, transforming it into an open-air museum.

"Pilgrimage is a good deed. However, acquaintance with the history of the nation is an even greater blessing. Suitable conditions must be created here. This is a source of knowledge and pride for people, especially our youth. It is also necessary to study foreign sources and enrich knowledge about the fortress," said the President.

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