Unlicensed Psychological Assistance: New Law to Enforce Accountability


Today, the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis passed the bill "On Providing Psychological Assistance to the Population" in its second reading. This law aims to fully regulate the field of psychological assistance.

Unlicensed Psychological Assistance: New Law to Enforce Accountability
The bill establishes the main principles, tasks, types, and standards of psychological assistance. It also defines the rights and obligations of participants in this field, categories of people eligible for free psychological assistance, and other important issues.

With amendments to the Administrative Responsibility Code of Uzbekistan, the responsibility for providing psychological assistance without proper authorization is now enforced. This aims to protect the population from substandard psychological help.

During the session, it was emphasized that the bill would enhance the quality of psychological assistance and increase the accountability of psychologists. The bill was adopted following lively discussions.

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