Uzbekistan Trade House opened in Azerbaijan


This trade house serves not only to sell our local products in the Azerbaijani market, but also to attract investments of Azerbaijani businessmen to Uzbekistan.

Uzbekistan Trade House opened in Azerbaijan
The Trade House of Uzbekistan has been opened in the capital of Azerbaijan, Baku. Representatives of the Uzcharmsanoat Association and its member enterprises took part in the opening ceremony.

It was emphasised that there is a growing demand for products under the "Made in Uzbekistan" brand in Azerbaijan. Joint ventures based on the capital of the brotherly state are actively operating in Uzbekistan.

The Trade House of Uzbekistan, which has been opened, displays samples of leather, textile, chemical, construction, furniture, food, electrical and other industries under the "Made in Uzbekistan" brand.

Uzcharmsanoat member enterprises KFK and Amir-ul-Baxr held talks and reached preliminary agreements on supplying special footwear for the industrial, construction and defence sectors of this country through the trade house opened in Azerbaijan.

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