Video Recordings from Operating and Intensive Care Units Must Be Stored for a Year


According to , on July 24, 2024, the Cabinet of Ministers adopted Resolution No. 444 "On Measures to Organize the Activities of the Center for Licensing and Accreditation of Medical Institutions under the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan."

Video Recordings from Operating and Intensive Care Units Must Be Stored for a Year
The document defines the main tasks of the Center: licensing and accreditation of medical institutions, developing licensing requirements based on advanced foreign experience, monitoring compliance with these requirements, and implementing "safe medicine" standards, among others.

Additionally, starting January 1, 2025, new licensing requirements for medical activities will be introduced. Specifically, non-state medical institutions organizing operating departments must have on staff: a surgeon and an anesthesiologist-resuscitator with at least the first qualification category in their specialty, an assistant doctor with a qualification category in surgery, and nurses in the anesthesiology-resuscitation and operating departments with the first qualification category.

Furthermore, operating and intensive care units must have video and audio recording cameras installed, and these recordings must be stored for one year, ensuring the confidentiality of these recordings and medical secrecy (except in cases provided by law).

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