Abdusamad Abdukarimov appointed head of the State Labour Inspectorate


Abdusamad Abdukarimov has been appointed as the head of the State Labour Inspectorate by the order of the Minister of Employment and Poverty Reduction. This was announced by the press service of the Ministry of Employment and Poverty Reduction of Uzbekistan.

Abdusamad Abdukarimov appointed head of the State Labour Inspectorate
It is noted that Abdusamad Abdusalomovich is one of the young specialists with sufficient experience in this field. Previously, he held the position of head of the legal department of the ministry.

He was born in 1993 in the Kashkadarya region. He has a higher education, having graduated from the Tashkent State University of Law in 2018.

For reference: the head of the inspection is also the chief state inspector of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

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