China launches the world's fastest internet


The data transfer speed is ten times faster than similar projects in the US. It was connected to the network in July this year.

China launches the world's fastest internet
China has developed an internet cable with a record speed of 1.2 terabits per second. This project is the result of co-operation between Tsinghua University and telecom operators. This is reported by "Yangi O’zbekiston".

It is noted that China has started using the world's highest fibre optic internet cable with a data transfer rate of 1.2 terabits per second. This is equivalent to streaming 150 HD films per second.

The line is more than 3,000 kilometres long and connects Beijing, Wuhan and Guangzhou. It was connected to the network in July this year. After testing, it was fully operational.

"The data transmission speed is ten times faster than similar projects in the US. Scientists expected such technologies to be available after 2025. This project has been implemented as part of the development of a high-speed internet communication system between educational and research centres in China called Cernet. The peculiarity of this work is that all software and equipment are manufactured in China," the report says.

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