Crime has decreased in Uzbekistan


In Uzbekistan, a significant decrease in crime rates has been recorded compared to the previous year. However, law enforcement agencies note an alarming increase in cases of fraud and cybercrimes.

Crime has decreased in Uzbekistan
In 2024, a significant decrease in the crime rate was recorded in Uzbekistan. According to official data, 132,298 crimes were registered, which is 200 cases per 100,000 people. In 2023, this figure was higher - 289 crimes per 100,000 citizens. Law enforcement agencies revealed 92.4% of registered cases.

Special attention is paid to combating economic crimes and corruption. In 2024, 3,293 crimes were identified in this area, resulting in 239.5 billion soums in damages to the state. Measures to combat human trafficking have also been strengthened - 219 people have been held accountable.

However, despite positive trends, the rise in cybercrime is alarming. During the year, 58,800 cases of digital offenses were recorded, 97.7% of which were related to the embezzlement of funds from bank cards. In this regard, it is planned to introduce new cybersecurity technologies in the banking sector.

Measures to protect women from violence have been strengthened - more than 54 thousand women received protection orders, and 625 women were sent to rehabilitation centers.

Although the total number of crimes is decreasing, analysts pointed to the need to strengthen measures in the field of combating fraud and digital threats.

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