Kazakhstan announced mobilisation


Kazakhstan has announced the mobilisation of reserve officers for two-year military service. The corresponding decree was signed by the Prime Minister of the Republic Alikhan Smailov.

Kazakhstan announced mobilisation
"To call in the order established by law in 2024 for military service for a period of twenty-four months reserve officers, fit for military service and who have not completed it, to perform military service in officer positions," the decree says.

The initiator of the decision is the Ministry of Defence of Kazakhstan. A total of 752 people will be called up for service. In particular, it was noted that 600 citizens should be drafted to the Armed Forces of Kazakhstan, 80 - to the Border Guard Service, 42 - to the National Guard, 30 - to the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

According to the Ministry of Defence, the main purpose of conscription of reserve officers is to fill the current shortage of officer positions.

The main requirements for reserve officers are:

age up to 29 years (up to 32 years for medical reserve officers);
suitability for military service in terms of health;
availability of a demanded military speciality.
"Reserve officers who have performed military service are exempted from conscription," the report says.

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