Shavkat Mirziyoyev: ‘Savings should be made by reducing losses and introducing cost-effective technologies’


President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev is holding a video selector meeting on improving the efficient use of energy resources and ensuring stable operation of energy sector facilities in the autumn-winter period. This was reported by his spokesman.

Shavkat Mirziyoyev: ‘Savings should be made by reducing losses and introducing cost-effective technologies’
It is noted that last year, programmes to save electricity and gas were launched in the districts. As a result, 20 million kilowatts were saved through the installation of solar collectors in flats and social facilities.

It is also noted that industrial enterprises are actively introducing sources of ‘green energy’. For example, through the installation of solar collectors and heat pumps in the system ‘Uzbekcoal’ managed to save 150 thousand kilowatts of electricity per year.

Officials have been instructed to prepare 1,000 social facilities for the autumn-winter period. This includes renovation of 251 hospitals, 292 kindergartens, 393 schools and boarding schools.

It was noted that due to slow progress in some regions, the energy saving plan is not being fully implemented.

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