Trump Claims He Threatened to Strike Moscow During Talk with Putin


Former U.S. President Donald Trump revealed in an interview with The Wall Street Journal that he threatened Russian President Vladimir Putin with a strike on Moscow if Russia did not halt its actions in Ukraine. According to Trump, Putin responded with “No way.”

Trump Claims He Threatened to Strike Moscow During Talk with Putin
During the conversation, Trump reportedly told Putin: "Vladimir, if you go after Ukraine, I will hit Moscow so hard you won’t believe it. We are friends, but I have no choice." Trump claims Putin reacted with disbelief to this threat.

Trump further added that he warned Putin of severe consequences if his actions continued, and emphasized that their relationship was good, with Putin knowing Trump was “crazy enough” to follow through.

The former president also recounted a conversation with Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2017, informing him about U.S. airstrikes on Syria over dessert. Trump noted that Xi responded calmly, showing his understanding of the situation.

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