2.2 million Uzbeks traveled abroad for tourism purposes


According to the statistics agency, in January-May 2024, about 2.2 million Uzbeks traveled abroad for tourism purposes.

2.2 million Uzbeks traveled abroad for tourism purposes
This figure increased by 569.2 thousand people, or 35.5%, compared to the corresponding period last year.

The number of citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan who traveled abroad for tourism purposes in 5 months of the current year by country:

Kyrgyz Republic – 995.3 thousand;

Tajikistan – 449.8 thousand;

Kazakhstan – 322.5 thousand;

Saudi Arabia – 100.2 thousand;

Russia-86.5 thousand;

Türkiye – 63.9 thousand;

UAE - 55.7 thousand;

Kuwait - 16.5 thousand;

Egypt - 13.5 thousand;

South Korea - 8.3 thousand;

Other countries - 59.5 thousand.

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