Fastest growing black hole in history discovered


It absorbs the equivalent mass of the Sun every day.

Fastest growing black hole in history discovered
An international team of astrophysicists has spotted the brightest and fastest growing supermassive black hole in the constellation of Honeysuckle. It is 500 trillion times brighter than the Sun, and its mass exceeds that of a star by about 17 billion times

Scientists discovered this object while studying quasar J0529 4351, the active nucleus of an ancient and distant galaxy located in the constellation Zhivopisitsa at a distance of 12 billion light years from Earth. We observe this object in a state that existed in the first 2 billion years after the Big Bang, during the youth of the Universe.

Christian Wolff, an associate professor at the National University of Australia, said they have discovered the fastest growing black hole in the known universe. It is about 17 billion times heavier than our luminary, and every day it absorbs slightly more matter than the Sun contains. This makes it the brightest object in the universe.

Researchers note that previously scientists did not assume that J0529 4351 is a quasar, as it does not emit visible radio waves, and its enormous brightness in the optical range made astronomers believe that it is one of the stars in the Milky Way. Recently, however, scientists found out in the AllBRICQS sky survey that J0529 4351 is a supermassive black hole in an ancient distant galaxy.

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