Joe Biden tests positive for COVID-19 third time


A number of leaders of the US Democratic Party are calling on 81-year-old Biden to withdraw from the presidential election.

Joe Biden tests positive for COVID-19 third time
Joe Biden participated in the election campaign in Las Vegas on July 17. He was due to speak in Las Vegas that evening, but tested positive for Covid-19 and the ceremony was postponed.

According to White House press secretary Jean-Pierre, President will be quarantined at his home in Delaware and will perform all official duties remotely.

Biden's doctor, Kevin O'Connor, told the press that President had an occasional runny nose and cough, and was taking the drug Paxlovid.

Many leading politicians of the US Democratic Party and other party supporters are calling for Joe Biden to withdraw from the presidential election. The condition of the 81-year-old president does not allow him to successfully fight against Donald Trump in the elections, and even if he wins, he will not be able to work effectively for another four years.

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