Ministry of Ecology was given more authority over hunting


Starting on October 1, natural entities who have attained the age of 18, finished training, and passed the exams will be granted a hunting licence that will be valid for two years.

Ministry of Ecology was given more authority over hunting
The activities of hunting and hunting farms in Uzbekistan will be further improved. In accordance with the Presidential Decree, the Ministry of Ecology was given the following powers.

approval of the model form of the agreement on the provision of hunting grounds for the operation of the hunting farm;

approval of the format of the technical and economic basis materials for the operation of the hunting farm;

conclusion of an agreement with legal entities and individuals on the provision of hunting grounds for running a hunting farm.

From October 1, 2024, hunting permits will be issued to hunters through an electronic program based on quotas for catching wild animals.

From October 1, 2024, the following procedure for issuing a hunting license will be established. In order to obtain a hunting license, training of applicants in special training courses is introduced, and hunting licenses are issued for a period of 2 years to natural persons who have reached the age of 18, who have completed training courses and successfully passed tests.

From September 1, 2024, hunting farms that have established breeding grounds for wild animals, small safari parks and hunting tourism will pay property and land tax at reduced tax rates of 50% for a period of 3 years, in addition to turnover tax at the rate of 1%.

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