Monitoring the Openness of Government Agencies and Organizations


On December 30, 2024, Regulation No. 910 was approved, outlining the "Procedure for Remote Monitoring of Compliance with the Obligations Established in Normative-Legal Documents in the Field of Ensuring the Openness of Government Agencies and Organizations."

Monitoring the Openness of Government Agencies and Organizations
According to the regulation, the following provisions are included:

the basis for remote monitoring;

the procedure and deadlines for conducting remote monitoring;

the documentation and review of remote monitoring results;

the application of measures based on the identified issues after remote monitoring.

Compliance with the obligations set out in the normative-legal documents regarding the openness of government agencies and organizations will be monitored remotely by the Anti-Corruption Agency.

The remote monitoring will be conducted both on a planned and unplanned basis.

The Agency will not notify in advance about the start or conduct of remote monitoring of government agencies and organizations.

Based on the results of remote monitoring, if violations of legislation are identified, an informational report will be prepared.

The informational report outlining the legislative violations will be sent to the monitored government agency or organization in the form of a legal impact document.

The legal document must be reviewed by the government agency or organization within 10 days from the date of receipt, and the result should be reported to the Agency in writing.

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