The President of Uzbekistan is intensifying efforts to increase employment and income for the population


At a video conference chaired by President Shavkat Mirziyoyev on May 10, the discussion on the implementation of the Saykhunabad experience at the local level took second place on the agenda. This was reported by the press service of the President of Uzbekistan.

The President of Uzbekistan is intensifying efforts to increase employment and income for the population
It is noted that as a result of the work started in April, employment was provided for and attracted to entrepreneurship 365 thousand people. Banks have begun to work closely with their clients and have created conditions for the employment of 115 thousand people. In neighbourhoods, 70 thousand micro-projects have been implemented. Cultivation of crops on 465 thousand hectares of backyard plots has been started.

However, it was emphasized that work is progressing slowly in some regions. For example, in the study of 7 districts, it was found that no crops were planted on dozens of backyard plots.

For this reason, 382 responsible persons at the district level were dismissed from their positions for the identified shortcomings.

The President once again emphasized that issues of employment and income for the population are of paramount importance and warned leaders at all levels.

Tasks have been defined for the qualitative organization of the Saykhunabad experience in terms of districts and neighbourhoods, the creation of permanent jobs, and sources of income for the population.

Another important issue in neighbourhoods is the organization of orderly and safe labour migration. During the first four months of this year, 115 thousand citizens who worked abroad returned to Uzbekistan. By the end of the year, the return of another 250-300 thousand migrants is expected. The importance of their employment and assistance in solving social issues is emphasized.

It is worth reminding that President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, at a meeting in the Saykhunabad district of the Syrdarya region on March 14, talked about the "Saykhunabad experience" in increasing the income of the population through the involvement of opportunities of backyard and household economies. It was decided that this experience would be implemented in the Saykhunabad district for the first time and subsequently would be extended to the entire country.

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