Where in Uzbekistan are the most accommodation and catering businesses?


The majority of business entities in the field of accommodation and catering services are located in the city of Tashkent, according to the report of the Statistical Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Where in Uzbekistan are the most accommodation and catering businesses?
As of 1 June 2024, there are 27,916 business entities operating in Uzbekistan in the field of accommodation and catering services.

The distribution by regions is as follows:

– Tashkent city - 5,783

– Samarkand province - 3,313

– Tashkent province - 2,886

– Bukhara province - 2 164

– Fergana province - 2 074

– Khorezm province - 1 603

– Surkhandarya province - 1 556

– Kashkadarya province - 1,536

– Republic of Karakalpakstan - 1 324

– Namangan province - 1 309

– Andijan province - 1 288

– Navoi province - 1 219

– Jizzakh province - 1 213

– Syrdarya province - 648

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